Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Office Space Mentality: also known as Fuck It

As of late I've become very disenchanted by job not unlike Ron Livingston's character in Office Space. I dread the idea of waking up and going to my job everyday. Even on days off I find myself not able to enjoy the reprieve cause i know the next day will suck. I just can't do it anymore, i don't know how the ones before me have lasted as long as they have. So needless to say I've been exploring my options and looking for another job. My biggest problem is when ever I'm looking into other jobs all i can think about is the fact that when this country started people worked jobs that were a necessity to the community: doctors, teachers, blacksmiths etc. This thought depresses me every time i think about it because I feel like society in a whole has gotten away from this ideal. Our doctors are money grubbing whores who won't touch a patient unless they have the proper insurance because they know they are improperly trained and are going to fuck up sooner or later. Our teachers are underpaid and treated as a low class servant/babysitter who are handcuffed into teaching to a test instead being allowed to be creative in a classroom. Remember no child left behind even if they are dumb as shit.

Sorry i started to rant. Anyway I've decided to teach I want to at least feel like I'm making some kind of mark on society even if a little one. I would rather be paid for making a difference instead of wasting my life in retail or food service. What would i teach you ask; well I have two talents in my life being abnormally good at Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon and music. So since they won't let me teach children about Kevin Bacon movies I'm going to fall back on music. :) I'm going to attempt to get a job teaching high school general music, and in the hopes that they pass the ruling against the high school assessment tests that are restricting our teachers from doing anything worthwhile in a classroom, I will hopefully be able to teach the kids about music history and how all styles of music can be connected in one way or another.(just another form of six degrees of separation really its my bread and butter.) So wish me luck as I pursue this venture and hopefully I'll be able to teach our youth that the music our elders listened to isn't that bad.