Saturday, May 31, 2008

I just want to complain

OK So I'm sitting at work yesterday and instead of working I was reading the newest issue of Entertainment Weekly, I know real productive. Anyway I got to reading an editorial about how this guy is getting sick of the superhero movie craze of late and how its ruining his ideals of how summer blockbusters. Pretty much the norm for whining editorials these days nothing really relevant to say. He tried to support his distaste by quoting figures to show how most the movies really aren't doing that well yada yada yada. However, he goes on to say that he still goes to pretty much all of them. Now I have my own theories on these movies but first let me address the fact that if this man or woman, that's how insignificant I found the writer, really wanted these movies to go away then he/she should stop going. As long as they get your money they don't care (I almost used "could careless" sorry Erin). My personal belief, being the comic book geek that I am, I would rather go see these movies good or bad than another sequel to a movie that not only didn't warrant a sequel but didn't do that well around the first time. I mean honestly sequels are getting made left and right and lately they don't even have the original cast. It would be like taking the amazing cast in the Ocean's 11 remake (Clooney,Pitt, Damon) and replacing them with cast from some flop TV show. Don't get me wrong I love a good chick flick, drama, or comedy but the inner dork in me jumped for joy when Spider-man broke box office records and Return of the King one some Oscars. It just means that a used to be neglected demographic that really hadn't been thought about since the original Star Wars trilogy is finally leaving the dim glow of their computer screens and stained fingers from comic books behind and going outside long enough to stand in line to see a movie. I personally get excited every time a comic book is about to become a movie. Nine times out of ten I know it will suck but like a meteorologists they'll get it right sooner or later. But i digress I would like to see another big epic like Gladiator or Braveheart but I personally have had enough of the cliche war movies so I can understand the writers annoyance but until we both are allowed to sit in on one of those brain trust meetings where they come up with gems like White Chicks or anything else the Wayan Brothers have participated in, I guess we'll just have to take what we can get.

P.S I'll see everyone at the new Batman movie


erinbee said...

What? You don't think that Little Man was a cinematic masterpiece??

Bryan H said...

welcome to the blogosphere my man. I still don't have internet access at the house, but borrowed some laptop time. when I have enogh time to post I'll link you to my blog. As far as comic book movies go, I think most of them bite but I'm also not a hige comic book fan. Really looking forward to Batman, though.

OldSchoolD15 said...

Well the writer probably gets paid to be a movie critic, so his/her reason for going is so he/she can write another sarcastic poor review, and get paid by EW, who loves to hire writers with a good sense of sarcastic cynicism.

Right on man.