Sunday, August 10, 2008

Open Letter To A Moron #2

Dear People who wear sunglasses indoors,

You ARE RETARDED there are only ever two reasons to wear sunglasses indoors and judging by the look of most of you it scratches the stoner reason. However unless your eyes have just been dilated which I doubt most the time they have just don't do it. You all look like tools, as well as complete and utter douche bags. I really have to struggle not to smack that shit eating grin off your faces. Your not cool and your not being mysterious. YOU ARE JUST BEING STUPID.

Thanks for your time,


P.S. For your own protection, unless your Corey Hart don't wear them at night either. (I'll Find you one of these days Corey, and when I do you will truly know pain. (Insert Evil Laugh)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ahh Nostalgia

I recently bought the first season of MacGyver and the complete series of Spaced and old British sitcom. Now Spaced I knew nothing about but a friend from that side of the ocean spoke so highly of it and told of how it was one of the funniest shows across the pond that i thought I would give it a shot. An I promise you I was not disappointed. Spaced is one of the most off the wall and funny shows i have ever seen. If your a fan of the movies Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead you'll definitely like these they star and are from the same creative mind of Simon Pegg. Now on to my own personal nostalgia in MacGyver. This is one of those shows that is still just as good as we all remember. I don't understand why some channel hasn't picked this up in reruns. It was creative, action packed and made even cooler by the fact that the show Mythbusters proved that most of the things done on the show were all possible. So I say screw Chuck Norris Macgyver would have kicked his ass any day.