Monday, February 23, 2009


I've given fair warning in the title anyone reading past this line is by their own fault.
I'm sorry to my readers because most the time all i do is complain so prepare yourselves because I'm going to start again you can stop reading now if you want. I've recently discovered that my life will never just be easy. Now don't misunderstand me i really never thought it would be i just thought that maybe I could get some easy patches every once an awhile. I was OK on money until Xmas and then all of a sudden all those student loans decided to call and harass me when i was at my most broke . I hate my job and want kill myself everyday i have to work just because of how unbelievably its like high school. the funny thing is it isn't the high schoolers working there that make that way. I had another job prospect lined up but that fell through do budget cuts thanks to the recession thank you American government. Now i am exploring other options for the future. My love life has been nonexistent for some time now do to the fact there is nowhere in Salisbury to meet women that you might not have to wash vomit out of their hair by the end of the night. (the only thing to do in this town is drink it helps people hide the fact that they live in a shit town.) Due to the fact that drunks annoy me even more than cheerleaders I don't frequent our ever expanding bar scene. Just once I'd like to have a couple days go my way. Alas i think that the first step to this problem would be leaving town but that takes money and the government doesn't want me to have any of that or fun so this could take awhile. I haven't been able to really drive either due to the fact my car has broken down and i cant afford to get that fixed either because to do that i would have to get my registration renewed and there is something about paying $150 for 2 stickers that only last a couple years that i am opposed to.
Granted i have some understanding roommates that have no problem driving me but i hate being a burden on them. I also came to the conclusion that i might be the reason (might!) none of my relationships workout but i think i can work on that next time. See i told you this was going to suck you should have stopped reading after the first sentence. I'm sorry I'm in a bit of a self loathing mood please ignore my whining.


Anonymous said...

trust me, i feel your pain...salisbury is a cesspool. and the only way to meet women around here appears to be to get drunk at some shithole where a bad DJ plays crappy music at 2000 decibels while ghetto hos and morons do something only moderately resembling "dancing". so as bad as things are take heart: you arent the only loser in this town who hates his job and cant meet a woman that isnt a slutty drunk moron

Bryan said...

thank you anonymous glad to know im not the only one.

Bryan H said...

Got that out of your system? Man, hope things look up. Honestly though, leaving Salisbury (and the job to which you refer) was one of the best things I have ever done. There is no doubt there is too much Harry High School bullshit that goes on there. Keep your head up.