Thursday, June 26, 2008

Beware oh Beware

For those of you who dare to siphon my gas I warn you I now have something to deter you. What might you ask could possible scare you away well I ll tell you. My guard bird. That's right my guard bird. oh he looks sweet and innocent but when provoked he will poke your eyes out and shit down the holes where they used to be. He resides in one of the shrubberies near my car i won't tell you which one but he's there lurking in the leaves when I'm at work and sitting right next to my car when I'm home. He has been currently watching my car for 4 days now marching up and down the sidewalk saving his strength for when he has to attack. He looks hungry so beware oh yes BEWARE!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Feeding the Criminal Element

I make no qualms about being all for capital punishment but I think in today's society we as a culture have decide that being a criminal is acceptable as well as praised and i for one don't get it at all. Explain to me why the youth of today are all of sudden idolizing murders, pimps, drug dealers, and gangsters. I work at book store and in the recent year I've seen a few things that just don't make any sense to me. One is the recent publication of a Mob Lifestyles magazine I mean what the hell I've seen some weird titles on magazines but nothing to ever make me scratch my head as much as a mag glorifying the gangsta(look at me being hip) life. But that's just one thing, over the past year I would hate to tell you how many phone calls or ship to home orders I've taken for sending books to jails or detention centers. Don't get me wrong I'm all for books that might help with some rehabilitation but that is never what is ordered. The books ordered the most are usually African American fiction like True to the Game one, two, or three and Dutch one, two, or three. Both books have criminals as their main characters. The worst orders happened this past week when i had one woman want to order two or three books on drug trafficking for her son in prison. I mean the fact that he was in prison shows me he couldn't get it right the first time, what a good mom ordering him some research material so he doesn't make the same mistakes. Another mom wanted to order her son a few books about the Aryan brotherhood and Nazi culture including Hitler's Mein Kamph. Gee, son i know you're in prison but I want to send you some books that will make you hate most of society more. I just don't understand where our society took a turn for worse and if it was up to me I wouldn't allow these books to go to the prisons but then again I also think the whole three strike rule is a little lenient as well. Maybe we should learn from history in the way they treated criminals I'm all for cutting off the hands of thieves and the death penalty for murderers whether they are insane are not.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Two Crappy Actors Who Need To Disappear

I wasn't going to write again this soon but I just read that Brad Pitt is going to get the lead role in the new Captain America movie starting to film. As you read earlier I am a comic book fan as well of an avid visitor to the movies. Now before you ladies start yelling at me about hating on Brad Pitt know now that he is not one of the two focuses of this rant. I just used him as segue to complain about who was also up for this prized role of America's favorite Avenger. For those of you wondering I'm talking about Mrs. Scorsese, I'm sorry i mean Leonardo DiCaprio. I hate this man as an actor with every fiber of my being. He is a horrible actor and the scary part is that Hollywood doesn't realize it, especially Martin Scorsese, who apparently is gay for him because he has cast him in his last four movies.(One is filming now.) The worst part about this is generally he is in good movies that would just be phenomenally better if he wasn't there. For example Catch me If you Can, good movie, interesting story and the rest of the cast was good especially Tom Hanks. Luckily this was a movie where Leo didn't have an accent which apparently is his usual downfall. Like in some of his more recent movies Blood Diamond, Gangs of New York, and The Departed. With the exception of Gangs of New York, these movies were really good. Wonderful in fact except for their one flaw, the lead actor. I mean its sad that the only convincing role this man has ever pulled off was when he was a retard in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape. Now I know all the girls in my middle school class loved him in Romeo and Juliet but I don't think they paid attention to the movie that much because that movie would have been awful even without him. Movie after movie I have to hear him butcher accents such as Irish, Boston, and South African. I know he sounds whiny as an American but come on directors just stop hiring him. Unless he is playing another retard I could go without ever seeing him again. (match in the gas tank boom boom)

Now on to the second actor and this one might piss off a few readers but if it does I just won't ever take their opinions on movies seriously again. Mr. Samuel L. Jackson this is to you. If you are cast in a movie that does not mean they want you to play Samuel L. Jackson it means they want you to play the role in the script. Every movie I see him in he just plays himself. Yes I liked him in Pulp Fiction but since then he is either playing the same character or himself I can't tell. In the Star Wars movies he played Samuel as a Jedi without the foul language, in Black Snake Moan he played old Samuel Jackson. Come on Snakes On A Plane was movie about Samuel L. Jackson on plane with snakes he's not even trying to hide it anymore. He's not that cool. The latest travesty is the fact that he has been cast as Nick Fury in the new Marvel comic movies. Now for those of you who don't know Nick Fury in the comics for years had this one characteristic that made it impossible for Mr. Jackson to play. He was white. Now I'm not a racist but this makes no sense to me. I know that in recent years Marvel has an alternate universe called the Ultimate universe where all there heroes have different things about them from the original like Nick Fury being black. My problem with this is the fact that if none of the other characters are going to be from the Ultimate universe than why should Nick Fury. In the early 90's there was a movie called Nick Fury, S.H.E.I.L.D Agent, the man cast to portray him none other than David Hasselhoff and honestly i'd rather see him do it again then Samuel L. Jackson with an eye patch. Don't hassle the Hoff! I'm out.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A.K.A Japanese Toilet Paper

Let me start by saying I am a comic book fan, I have always been a comic book fan. I mean I used to have subscriptions that is how much of a dork I am. Now that is out of the way here is my newest problem with society its called Manga. For those of you who don't know Manga is a poor excuse for a comic book or graphic novel done by the Japanese. However if you are comic book reader loyal to the big names like Marvel, DC, and Dark Horse etc. don't expect as good of art work or story lines. Expect shit because that is pretty much where manga comes from. If you have ever seen any anime cartoons it is pretty much the same hero tries to defeat villain....fails, hero tries again....fails, hero tries a third time and then somehow finds that thing they always had in them to beat the villain. If you don't like spoilers I'm sorry i just spoiled a good 80% of all the titles for you maybe more. But this is only one of the many problems with manga. Another problem comes from the fact that there are so many titles and so many worthless little wastes of sperm reading them. Notice i said reading because in fact 90% of the readers don't actually buy them they sit in the floor of their local bookstore stretched out in every ones way all fucking day. It takes them all day because a fight in these shit rags takes almost four novels. (may be an exaggeration) Not to mention the things are usually in black & white, because that is visually ascetic. Next on my list of complaints is the weird fact that they are written backwards. Yes, I said backwards, you start in the back of the book and read from right to left. Yay shit in reverse because the bad story might get better if i read it the wrong way. But now for my biggest problem the fact that they are putting classics out in the same form and the classic that pisses me off the most the MANGA BIBLE. Can I get a big WHAT THE FUCK from the readers please. There is another one based on the New Testament called the Manga Messiah as well. In these interpretations characters are more violent and talk like Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid. Because Jesus would have kicked those Romans ass that peace preaching son of god deep down was a martial artist you know. So instead of us letting our boys grow up to be cowboys we are letting them worship a culture that has no problem inventing vending machines that sell dirty women's panties. Would you like a skid mark with your backwards reading piece of Japanese toilet paper I bet you would. Just to give more proof there are also titles like The Prince Of Tennis, and one that only talks about dogs and one about a girl and her cooking show. Yeah who needs Spider-Man or superman when you got a graphic novel about Paula Dean, Lassie, or Andre Agassi.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Siphoning Of Our Souls

So I don't know how to best tell this story but let me try. I am very anal about checking my gas gauge every night when i get home so I know whether or not I have to make time to stop for gas the next day. Well the night before last I did my normal routine of checking and I was at a little over quarter of a tank. In other words about a $40 worth of gas. So I went to sleep thinking I don't have to worry about taking out a loan to fuel my car in the morning. Little did i know (pause for dramatic music) that some piece of shit low life was going to exact his/her revenge on the gas companies and foreign oil prices by pilfering my cars life force. Now it was somewhat early in the day (12pm) when I left work I had made it about halfway when I noticed that every little bit of my gas was gone and my car had just started to sputter. I can not possibly describe to you the amount of anger that flew into me, especially knowing fully well I had gas when i went to bed that night. For a brief minute I actually assumed that maybe just maybe I read the needle wrong the night before, it was sort of late when I got home. So I calm down pull into the nearest station, go to unscrew my gas cap and realize its barely even screwed on. A good idea if your stealing my gas and don't want to make any noise its one of those ones that click loudly into place. My original assumption was right some loser stole my gas. Now after I calmed down I started thinking about the situation and for no reason is this ever going to be cool but I thought some scenarios in my head that would make a shit stain of a human being do this.

1. They were poor and need the gas to a. get a job or b. go to a job

2. They suck at life.

3. They are trying to make a profit by siphoning and then selling my gas.

4. They are an environmental nut job (you know who you are) and decided if I am driving an SUV than I should have my gas stolen based on some warped principle.

OK If the culprit is a member of the first group I'm truly sorry for you financial problems but I hate you anyway and you could take a bus you douche bag. If you are a member of group number two well I can't really help you. Your a waist of your dads sperm and should do the world a favor and step into oncoming traffic where people whose gas you haven't stolen yet can enjoy running you over and maybe backing up a couple times as well. If you are a member of group number three please read above comment about group number two and try and make it more creative for the viewers at home. As for group number four I'm all for saving the environment, to a certain degree. Yes i drive and SUV and yes it uses a lot of gas, but did it ever dawn on you to that I have a reason for driving SUV. Reason one I'm not a small man in fact I'm fat so I don't fit in you little hybrid matchbox toys very well. I'm also a musician so on the occasion that i actually play somewhere I have to lug all my equipment around which doesn't fit in a Yaris quite as well as it fits in my SUV. So in response to you siphoning my gas the next time your hugging a tree I hope GOD sees fit to throw some lightning your way just for fun. I now have to spend, in addition to filling up my tank again, a ten dollar lockable gas cap.

P.S By the way if you want gas prices to go down we should use less of it which means by stealing my gas and making me buy more isn't helping fuck stick.

Friday, June 6, 2008

I'm An Idiot

There comes a time when everyone has to admit that they are truly and idiot. Today is my day. I've pissed off one of my best friends without meaning too and I don't know what to do. I will keep apologizing until they speak to me again in the hopes of a reconciliation. Then maybe if given the chance I can explain further because there are certain things I don't like to disclose about myself that I think this person deserves to know in more detail. But If they read this I'm so sorry and if I lost you as a friend then I deserve it but I hope that isn't what has happened. Please forgive me you didn't deserve that even if I was joking around I'll do what ever I can to get you to forgive me. I'm Sorry

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Celebrity or Not

I wasn't going to write tonight but then I was watching the news, if you want to call it that nowadays, and I saw that the son of Hulk Hogan is in jail. Now you might say why is this even considered news, well its not. The part that caught my interest was about a week ago I saw little Nick Hogan crying via prison telephone to his "mommy" about how he just couldn't handle jail. Every night he was afraid that someone was going to kill him and that the conditions were horrible. FUCKING NEWS FLASH its jail its supposed to suck. He turns a friend of his into a vegetable street racing and he still feels the right to complain. Now this isn't the problem, the problem is that the prison actually gave him a more comfortable cell with Internet, cable, library privileges, and personal workout time. He isn't even a real celebrity, even though that shouldn't matter either. I cannot understand how we expect famous people to realize they've done something wrong if we are afraid to punish them as severely as regular people. The worst part is his parents helped him achieve this monstrosity. Just more proof that parents today think babying there child is the same as raising them with morals. Which honestly is completely another topic to blog about. If the Hogan's really wanted to help their child they would have left him for dead in that prison. Ignored him in every manner, no visits, no phone calls just left him their with no contact. Stop grounding kids to their rooms when they have computer games and TVs. Spank the little shits, it works I know, kids need discipline not a pat on the back and their parents blaming someone else like the school system for their problems. If anything the parent is to blame for not paying attention. I hope Mr. Hogan meets up with a huge gigantic guy in the shower with the affinity for screwing people in uncomfortable places.(Not the back of a Volkswagen either)