Thursday, July 17, 2008

Why Do We Care?

Once again sorry for the delay in posting again but I promise you I have a good one today sure to offend the mindless masses. Recently I have been getting more and more pissed off at our cultures needless obsession with celebrities' lives as well as non-celebs (Paris Hilton you know which category you are). These feelings came to a culmination the other night when I was watching the news and one of their top stories was the birth of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's twins. This is not news. This story should have been left on the cutting room floor in a giant pile that says bullshit the American public shouldn't care about but does. Everyday working at a bookstore I see masses of people buying the magazines that do nothing but publish pictures taken by overpaid paparazzi and then slap a caption under that seems to completely change what could have been happening in said picture. A famous celebrity could be walking near someone on the street or beach and this automatically becomes their secret love interest. I just don't get it why do people need a window into these peoples lives what makes them so special. As far as I'm concerned they have the easiest job in the world someone pays them millions of dollars to pretend. Shit I was doing that when I was three. I have a mass graveyard of imaginary friends to prove my expertise yet I'm still broke. I'm pretty sure the idiots who read these would pay to see anything. They are patiently waiting for the picture of George Clooney taking his morning dump and that used to be fine. When it was just in those useless braincell killing magazines I was OK with it, but the day my news broadcast starts telling me that a Miss Universe contestant falling on her ass is more important than a fucking war going on or the presidential race taking place I get a little peeved. I was watching one those morning new shows the other day and they were talking about the woman falling because of her high heels and tried to say everyone does it, it's OK. Then they showed a picture of Sarah Jessica Parker falling down in an episode of Sex and the City. That is an actor, she was acting, showing people and actor doing something they were scripted to do should not make them feel better. But it probably does sadly enough. I just don't understand why we care and if anyone can give me a reason other than "we just like to see famous people having bad things happen to them that it makes us feel more normal" I'd like to hear it. An on another note to news stations if you wonder why more and more people are getting their news from shows like the Daily Show and The Colbert Report this is why. The intelligent of the world don't care about how many times Lindsey Lohan ends up in rehab or if to over indulged celebrities are feuding. IT IS NOT NEWS!!!!!!


Bryan H said...

"a mass graveyard of imaginary friends to prove my expertise yet I'm still broke"-now that's a great line

~shoeless hermit said...
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ink said...

It has always bothered me that to get the best world news I have to find news sites outside of the states- yet, it is true, we know the slightest details of hollywood and it isn't just relegated to channels like E!