Monday, February 2, 2009


OK so everyone else is writing these and I have been tagged in both so I decided I'd try and come up with 25 completely random things that some might not know about me.

  1. Ever since I saw "High fidelity" I'm obsessed with lists preferably top 5 but for this one i will make an exception.
  2. I only realized that i like sour cream about two years ago and it pisses me off.
  3. In the last 2 years I've become better friends with someone than I originally thought possible.
  4. I secretly love to watch romantic comedies they are hilarious and sometimes deserve Oscar nods. Mainly because despite the host wanting to be funny the whole thing is way to serious.
  5. I'm a Fantasy dork, the genre is new to me but i can't stop reading it and will take suggestions from anyone.
  6. I miss smoking pot and wish it was legal. Nuff said I won't elaborate.
  7. I hate bars I've never understood why they are considered a good place to meet women. Its loud you can't have a decent conversation. Not to mention drunk girls and people in general are one of the most annoying entities in the world.
  8. I think all dogs that don't at least come up to my knee(basset hounds excluded) should be put out of their misery from birth. P.S. I'm a dog lover I like cats but dogs are way cooler.
  9. I agree with Bryan H. Bryan's do rule but only if they have a Y in their name.
  10. I have no idea what i want to do with my life I sometimes think about teaching but I also think i would like to be chef and I'm pretty sure i could wipe the floor with anyone who ever competed on "Hell's Kitchen."
  11. I have more musical and film knowledge then I let on just because some people already think its weird.
  12. Bryan H. and i could run a late show and it would be awesome but we also had ideas for a sitcom that would have been awesome as well.
  13. I wish i could find someone that could honestly make me happy but i really don't think its possible.
  14. I am a huge "Buffy the vampire slayer" fan although I'm not embarrassed about it I am embarrassed that I also am a huge fan of the " Gilmore Girls" that show was so funny an intelligent that other shows have a tendency to pale in comparison. those to leading ladies were so hot it hurt.(Trying to salvage my masculinity with that last part)
  15. I have little to no respect for traffic cops i think they are one of the lowest forms of life and have trouble not letting them see it when they pull me over. Real cops bust real criminals not write tickets for someones stickers on their car not being up to date.
  16. There are so many places in this world I want to see I just don't want to go alone.
  17. Not long ago i was a nationally ranked tuba player and was proud of it. But now I never want to pick it up and play.
  18. I lose respect for people who think today's rap should still be considered music.
  19. I wish i believed that the FDA wasn't out to keep us sick for as long as possible and in league with doctors to steal money but they keep feeding me otherwise.
  20. I wanted to be payed for just being me but I can't find someone to give me money for that.
  21. I miss the mountains something about the view just used to make me smile.
  22. Modern art is not real art that's why they had to expand the name to modern art. Jackson Pollack is a joke anyone can make "art" by throwing paint at a canvas but it takes balls to do what i did in kindergarten and call it art.
  23. I miss her. (Don't ask)
  24. I don't get fashion and i don't ever plan on it but apparently the idea of being comfortable has gone out the window
  25. I'm addicted to World of Warcraft and i blame Nicole.

That's all i got I hope its interesting.


Bryan H said...

I can't leave a Bryan hanging... I've got your back on the Gilamore Girls. Hot women who are funny are even hotter. That was soem great writing.

ink said...

Thor is giving you the evil eye. I'm just tugging on my ear. Oh, couldn't you have credited me with something cooler than WOW introduction? I'm such a geek!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that I knew so much about you... but your wit always makes me happy. =D