Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A.K.A Japanese Toilet Paper

Let me start by saying I am a comic book fan, I have always been a comic book fan. I mean I used to have subscriptions that is how much of a dork I am. Now that is out of the way here is my newest problem with society its called Manga. For those of you who don't know Manga is a poor excuse for a comic book or graphic novel done by the Japanese. However if you are comic book reader loyal to the big names like Marvel, DC, and Dark Horse etc. don't expect as good of art work or story lines. Expect shit because that is pretty much where manga comes from. If you have ever seen any anime cartoons it is pretty much the same hero tries to defeat villain....fails, hero tries again....fails, hero tries a third time and then somehow finds that thing they always had in them to beat the villain. If you don't like spoilers I'm sorry i just spoiled a good 80% of all the titles for you maybe more. But this is only one of the many problems with manga. Another problem comes from the fact that there are so many titles and so many worthless little wastes of sperm reading them. Notice i said reading because in fact 90% of the readers don't actually buy them they sit in the floor of their local bookstore stretched out in every ones way all fucking day. It takes them all day because a fight in these shit rags takes almost four novels. (may be an exaggeration) Not to mention the things are usually in black & white, because that is visually ascetic. Next on my list of complaints is the weird fact that they are written backwards. Yes, I said backwards, you start in the back of the book and read from right to left. Yay shit in reverse because the bad story might get better if i read it the wrong way. But now for my biggest problem the fact that they are putting classics out in the same form and the classic that pisses me off the most the MANGA BIBLE. Can I get a big WHAT THE FUCK from the readers please. There is another one based on the New Testament called the Manga Messiah as well. In these interpretations characters are more violent and talk like Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid. Because Jesus would have kicked those Romans ass that peace preaching son of god deep down was a martial artist you know. So instead of us letting our boys grow up to be cowboys we are letting them worship a culture that has no problem inventing vending machines that sell dirty women's panties. Would you like a skid mark with your backwards reading piece of Japanese toilet paper I bet you would. Just to give more proof there are also titles like The Prince Of Tennis, and one that only talks about dogs and one about a girl and her cooking show. Yeah who needs Spider-Man or superman when you got a graphic novel about Paula Dean, Lassie, or Andre Agassi.


OldSchoolD15 said...

Oh man I was laughing the whole way through this. Keep 'em coming!

Bryan H said...

Funny as hell. Love "shit rag" and "shit in reverse". Wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment; I just don't get the whole genre. However, I'm pretty sure you're wrong about one thing-I know somewhere in the New Testament it says Jesus was a Ninja. Also, does your promotion mean the Anime section in Music will shrink?

erinbee said...

Don't forget the Children with Special needs manga about raising your autistic child. I believe it's called Into the Light - and we got volume 2 the other day.

The sad thing - they are being promoted in parenting magazines as the new, hip way to get your kids to read. I hardly think the 6 lines of text qualify as reading, but what the hell do I know.

I don't understand the entire genre - I don't understand the different types, I don't know what all the weird secret codes are - and I sure as hell don't understand what the hell the manga porn shit is about.