Thursday, June 19, 2008

Two Crappy Actors Who Need To Disappear

I wasn't going to write again this soon but I just read that Brad Pitt is going to get the lead role in the new Captain America movie starting to film. As you read earlier I am a comic book fan as well of an avid visitor to the movies. Now before you ladies start yelling at me about hating on Brad Pitt know now that he is not one of the two focuses of this rant. I just used him as segue to complain about who was also up for this prized role of America's favorite Avenger. For those of you wondering I'm talking about Mrs. Scorsese, I'm sorry i mean Leonardo DiCaprio. I hate this man as an actor with every fiber of my being. He is a horrible actor and the scary part is that Hollywood doesn't realize it, especially Martin Scorsese, who apparently is gay for him because he has cast him in his last four movies.(One is filming now.) The worst part about this is generally he is in good movies that would just be phenomenally better if he wasn't there. For example Catch me If you Can, good movie, interesting story and the rest of the cast was good especially Tom Hanks. Luckily this was a movie where Leo didn't have an accent which apparently is his usual downfall. Like in some of his more recent movies Blood Diamond, Gangs of New York, and The Departed. With the exception of Gangs of New York, these movies were really good. Wonderful in fact except for their one flaw, the lead actor. I mean its sad that the only convincing role this man has ever pulled off was when he was a retard in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape. Now I know all the girls in my middle school class loved him in Romeo and Juliet but I don't think they paid attention to the movie that much because that movie would have been awful even without him. Movie after movie I have to hear him butcher accents such as Irish, Boston, and South African. I know he sounds whiny as an American but come on directors just stop hiring him. Unless he is playing another retard I could go without ever seeing him again. (match in the gas tank boom boom)

Now on to the second actor and this one might piss off a few readers but if it does I just won't ever take their opinions on movies seriously again. Mr. Samuel L. Jackson this is to you. If you are cast in a movie that does not mean they want you to play Samuel L. Jackson it means they want you to play the role in the script. Every movie I see him in he just plays himself. Yes I liked him in Pulp Fiction but since then he is either playing the same character or himself I can't tell. In the Star Wars movies he played Samuel as a Jedi without the foul language, in Black Snake Moan he played old Samuel Jackson. Come on Snakes On A Plane was movie about Samuel L. Jackson on plane with snakes he's not even trying to hide it anymore. He's not that cool. The latest travesty is the fact that he has been cast as Nick Fury in the new Marvel comic movies. Now for those of you who don't know Nick Fury in the comics for years had this one characteristic that made it impossible for Mr. Jackson to play. He was white. Now I'm not a racist but this makes no sense to me. I know that in recent years Marvel has an alternate universe called the Ultimate universe where all there heroes have different things about them from the original like Nick Fury being black. My problem with this is the fact that if none of the other characters are going to be from the Ultimate universe than why should Nick Fury. In the early 90's there was a movie called Nick Fury, S.H.E.I.L.D Agent, the man cast to portray him none other than David Hasselhoff and honestly i'd rather see him do it again then Samuel L. Jackson with an eye patch. Don't hassle the Hoff! I'm out.


ink said...

Hehe- my oh my what a rant- have strong feelings on this one, do we? :P I agree on the actors, though I do have actors I dislike more than Samuel Jackson, and I certianly cannot talk on level with you about comic books and heroes. Want to know what I don't agree with...ohh ohh- I think Romeo and Juliet was not so bad of a film idea if one is going to do Romeo and Juliet- I just hate the premise of the original story anyway and wonder why anyone would want to put that much effort into it. I think, though, that I view the director as I do M. Night Shyamalamalama...him. Even if it isn't a favorite film it still is well done...that sort of thing. Don't hate me.

killer said...

i'd like to add to your list of actors that need to never make another film. in no particular order:

jack black, will farrell, joe pesci, patrick swayze, brendan fraser, kurt russell, arnold schwarzennegar, sylvester stallone, jeanclaude vandamme, steven seagal, adam sandler, toby maguire, mel gibson, tom cruise, ben stiller, vince vaughn joaquin phoenix, tracy morgan, nicholas cage, vinn diesel, the rock, dana carvey, mike myers, owen wilson, cuba gooding, kevin bacon, pierce brosnan, keanu reeves, kevin costner and any of the wayans brothers...

Anonymous said...

hating on DiCaprio is so 2002. I like the Departed and I don't think he took anything away from the film... but maybe I'm still awed by his performance on Growing Pains all those years ago.

you're right that Jackson is a joke -- I'm surprised that he doesn't have a clause in his contracts to have a BMF-branded personal item for each of his characters.

things he should have said in Star Wars
I didn't know he coached hockey (actually funny)