Monday, July 7, 2008

Who the Fuck is Jackson Pollack anyway?

OK I realize I haven't written in awhile and I'm sorry, but there were a lack of things that I wanted to write about. Have no fear though I have come up with a decent topic. I recently watched the movie Who the Fuck is Jackson Pollack, this movie just reminded me of how much I've grown to hate modern art. In this movie a elderly woman (with a foul mouth) as you can tell by the title of her documentary has found a piece of art in her garage that looks remarkably like a painting that Jackson Pollack would have painted same style and everything( if you could call it style). So this lady being somewhat impoverished decides to try and get the painting certified as a Pollack painting and cash in. The certification is where the problems begin every critic or art connoisseur she takes it to pretty much tells her that there is no way she could have a Pollack painting and everyone who even looks at it tells her its not one. Now I'm not an expert like these people but I've seen some of Pollack's so called art and in no way could one tell the difference between a Pollack and one of my paintings from when I was four years old. All Pollack ever did was throw splashes of paint at a canvas that is not art, that is making a mess. Last night I was watching Andy Rooney and he was complaining about the same thing, he even showed a "sculpture" called "Two Indeterminate Lines", now i can't do metalwork but apparently neither could this person it looked like the artist started to something decided it was to hard and just left to metal rods in a very crude spiral. Once again NOT ART. What happened to the artists of the world I remember learning about artists like Michelangelo and Monet, Renoir and Da Vinci and others that i never bothered to learned there name. They made beautiful paintings and sculptures that we still admire today. That is what I miss, beauty in art, nowadays the only visual art I like is photography because most of the time people don't fuck it up. Another artists i never got was Andy Warhol, Soup Cans in different colors really that is the most creative thing he could come up with. I went to the Museum of Modern Art once and there were these two things I saw that i just couldn't believe. The first was an statue of a woman (I think) squatting taking a shit, not just a normal shit mind you this turd coming out of her ass was six feet long. NOT ART! Another one was a portrait of the Virgin Mary painted in different colors of ................ wait for it .............. Shit,turd, fecal matter. I just don't get it and I don't think i ever will but until I do no that there is an elephant in an African Zoo who you can hand a brush and paint to and could still create something more visual pleasing than anything Jackson Pollack or Andy Warhol could ever do.


Bryan H said...

I found myself saying "Amen, brother" before I even read your the content of your post. the title says it all. If spilling and splattering is art then I've got a few stained undershirts that are gonna make me rich.

Bryan H said...

And what are you doing watching documentaries, anyway? A little highbrow, no?

Rabid Gerbil said...

We actually have a a Pollack where I work. It hangs on the wall that goes down the hallway of the station where all the administrator types work.

It is huge. It is ugly. It is stupid looking.

OldSchoolD15 said...

It's not art. It's a scam.