Monday, November 3, 2008


Alas fans of the mafia I have returned. Sorry for long silence but i had things to do and figure out in my life. But enough of the boring stuff time to rant. What the fuck happened to Halloween this year?! I know I'm older and i shouldn't care because i can't really trick or treat anymore but damn it this year sucked. I saw exactly 2 count them 2 people in costume this year and neither were under the age of 25. I blame a few different groups for this. One are the religious zealots who have scared everyone into honestly believing Halloween is an evil abomination. They are obviously unintelligent asses. I also blame those sickos who fuck with kids candy. Why would you ever fuck with candy its one of the few joys left in life and you it with drugs or razor blades. i also blame us low life men who only want to see girls dress in slutty outfits. Don't get me wrong I'm just as bad as the rest of them but all the creativity has gone out of Halloween. A girl now just thinks of anything makes it a little trashy and that counts as a costume. I'm still waiting for the day i have to see a wookie in a short skirt. (trust me it will happen sooner or later) My roommates and i bought two bags of QUALITY candy and do you want to know how many kids came to our door. None! I am fat I do not need to have two giant bags of candy just lying around the house(by the way its almost all gone). Then i read this article about two children and their father who go trick or treating after a party just for some extra candy and when they ring the doorbell are shot by a shotgun from inside the house. What the fuck who does that. Especially on Halloween. I also blame parents because nowadays parents a lazy sacks of shit who don't want to walk with their kids around a neighborhood so they either make them stay at home or send and older sibling who is barely old enough to walking by themselves with the kid. Get creative get off your asses and stop fucking with my candy I'm done..


ink said...

hey- i enjoyed the candy quite a bit myself. more for me- less for them. It is afterall the mantra for the season. :P

Kayla Jo said...

bryannn!!!! i love your headline for that entry!! ITS THE GREAT PUMPKIN CHARLIE BROWN!! He is real!! I saw him once [: hehe i miss you too!!! LIKE CRAZY!! i wanna visit.