Thursday, June 5, 2008

Celebrity or Not

I wasn't going to write tonight but then I was watching the news, if you want to call it that nowadays, and I saw that the son of Hulk Hogan is in jail. Now you might say why is this even considered news, well its not. The part that caught my interest was about a week ago I saw little Nick Hogan crying via prison telephone to his "mommy" about how he just couldn't handle jail. Every night he was afraid that someone was going to kill him and that the conditions were horrible. FUCKING NEWS FLASH its jail its supposed to suck. He turns a friend of his into a vegetable street racing and he still feels the right to complain. Now this isn't the problem, the problem is that the prison actually gave him a more comfortable cell with Internet, cable, library privileges, and personal workout time. He isn't even a real celebrity, even though that shouldn't matter either. I cannot understand how we expect famous people to realize they've done something wrong if we are afraid to punish them as severely as regular people. The worst part is his parents helped him achieve this monstrosity. Just more proof that parents today think babying there child is the same as raising them with morals. Which honestly is completely another topic to blog about. If the Hogan's really wanted to help their child they would have left him for dead in that prison. Ignored him in every manner, no visits, no phone calls just left him their with no contact. Stop grounding kids to their rooms when they have computer games and TVs. Spank the little shits, it works I know, kids need discipline not a pat on the back and their parents blaming someone else like the school system for their problems. If anything the parent is to blame for not paying attention. I hope Mr. Hogan meets up with a huge gigantic guy in the shower with the affinity for screwing people in uncomfortable places.(Not the back of a Volkswagen either)


ink said...

I didnt know much about this paticular story, isnt hulk hogan dead yet? i guess if mr. t isnt, than neither is he.

erinbee said...

What? Jail isn't supposed to be fun?! God - I'm totally blown away. Guess I'll stop planning that murderous rampage that I was planning to get me a new apartment - free, with en suite facilities, three square meals a day and the possibility of romance with a beefy lesbian called Big Bertha.

Well, damn.

Hey! We should send him some books....

Bryan H said...

Watch your step, brother or you'll have some Hulkamania running wild on you! Obviously too many parents want to be friends with their children instead of parents. I'm happy that mine parented me and even knocked some good sense into me once in a while. And good Mallrats reference. No wonder you were made music manager.

OldSchoolD15 said...

I wholeheartedly agree. I thank God for giving me parents, and not a couple of wussy people too afraid to discipline their children.